
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Blood Angels OWAC VI Challenge wrap-up

Challenge Wrap-Up

Finally, I can say that my fourth OWAC is done. Yay!

This year started pretty good, but maybe I got a bit carried out with the extras. I would have love to have more time in the last months, both for giving time for checking other entries and commenting (no worries, I've seen all your post now that I have less convoluted time, they're amazing and now I've been pushed into blood bowl madness myself!) and for putting the same amount of love to the pictures as in my first month.

Believe it or not, I had to left out some planned pictures and gags from the orignal script! There was even more foolinesh behind scenes that didn't get to be posted. 

Maybe I would need to write a campaign some day that includes all the scenes and the enemy profiles, even the ones that were left unpainted like the duke nukem's pig cops (yeah, remember the ones that disappeared in Monroeville? they'd have been shown in all their mutated glory)

Now, lets roll the credits and all the actors:

That's 2772 points of Rogue Trader godness, in the shape of 48 cool models, including 3 tanks.

And who knows how many points in current Horus Heresy. I want to get the opportunity to play in an event and see the faces when I start deploying this bad boys and several others I plan to convert in the future.

Last, but not least, for the moment I think I will try another OWAC despite it seems that next year will be also another... interesting spring.

I need to keep things simple if I want to participate and enjoy it. Another important thing to consider is that I may not start a project that I do not previously own or require large purchases. Instead, selecting something that is ready to be painted from my collections and reduce the pile of unpainted things. As my main dwarf army needs some rare purchases, and the orcs need an entire Ruglud squad, that disqualifies them for now.

I forgot until now that I had an old dragon that I would love to paint and several gems purchased from old middlehammer lots. So I probably will count the amount of elves I had laying around and get something interesting out of it.

That's it folks



George, my man, that was amazing. I cannot wait to see the script for Blood Omen 2.

-Well, I think that we will need even more zombies. So far, I can only give you in advance that the ship will pursue doctor Vile up to a misterious space hulk. I am thinking about terrorific aliens, and terminators shooting unnumbered horrors. And probably Fabious is aided by one of the last orks after Ullanor, a mischievous painboy known as... the Reanimatork!

Until next challenge

Adrián’s out.

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