
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Blood Angels OWAC VI Challenge wrap-up

Challenge Wrap-Up

Finally, I can say that my fourth OWAC is done. Yay!

This year started pretty good, but maybe I got a bit carried out with the extras. I would have love to have more time in the last months, both for giving time for checking other entries and commenting (no worries, I've seen all your post now that I have less convoluted time, they're amazing and now I've been pushed into blood bowl madness myself!) and for putting the same amount of love to the pictures as in my first month.

Believe it or not, I had to left out some planned pictures and gags from the orignal script! There was even more foolinesh behind scenes that didn't get to be posted. 

Maybe I would need to write a campaign some day that includes all the scenes and the enemy profiles, even the ones that were left unpainted like the duke nukem's pig cops (yeah, remember the ones that disappeared in Monroeville? they'd have been shown in all their mutated glory)

Now, lets roll the credits and all the actors:

That's 2772 points of Rogue Trader godness, in the shape of 48 cool models, including 3 tanks.

And who knows how many points in current Horus Heresy. I want to get the opportunity to play in an event and see the faces when I start deploying this bad boys and several others I plan to convert in the future.

Last, but not least, for the moment I think I will try another OWAC despite it seems that next year will be also another... interesting spring.

I need to keep things simple if I want to participate and enjoy it. Another important thing to consider is that I may not start a project that I do not previously own or require large purchases. Instead, selecting something that is ready to be painted from my collections and reduce the pile of unpainted things. As my main dwarf army needs some rare purchases, and the orcs need an entire Ruglud squad, that disqualifies them for now.

I forgot until now that I had an old dragon that I would love to paint and several gems purchased from old middlehammer lots. So I probably will count the amount of elves I had laying around and get something interesting out of it.

That's it folks



George, my man, that was amazing. I cannot wait to see the script for Blood Omen 2.

-Well, I think that we will need even more zombies. So far, I can only give you in advance that the ship will pursue doctor Vile up to a misterious space hulk. I am thinking about terrorific aliens, and terminators shooting unnumbered horrors. And probably Fabious is aided by one of the last orks after Ullanor, a mischievous painboy known as... the Reanimatork!

Until next challenge

Adrián’s out.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Blood Angels last batch, Come Get Some! - OWAC VI June's troop month

Troop Month

T+042: The Blood Omen has detected strong warp energy signals from the area of the Word Bearers secret compound.
The radiation is dangerously high but not as high as recorded in the Signus campaign.

Lt. Commander Lazarus has to make a fast and dired decission, either evacuate the planet or be stead fast and continue pushing through the outer defences.

-Lt. Bahamut: We cannot stop the sorceror, he's throwing at us every horror we had faced before in this system. This may become another Signus. He's protected by his powers.

-Chaplain Giteau: I may have found a way to defeat him.

-Lt. Bahamut: What it may..


-Chaplain Giteau: Sorcerors are usually weak to overwhelming amounts of firepower.

T+043: The support squad rains death in the form of melta, superkrak and antiplant missiles. The inner defences starts to break to the continous punishment of the tanks and the devastator squad.

However, the hordes of killing tomatoes, zombies from the city and the lab personnel and the warp entities spawned from the dark rituals.

-Lt. Comm. Lazarus: We cannot stop here. Tell the Blood Omen to start an orbital bombardment. We also need deployment code "Extremis"

-Librarian Trent: Sir, do we need the brother moritat, the Doom marine? Or the terminators? They're still in reserve, but the armours are not repaired to optimal levels.

-Lt. Comm. Lazarus: No, we need the Duke marine and his Angels Tears. Zone Alpha. Right above the laboratory. Every creation from that Fabius guy must be exterminated before cleansing with nuclear fire.

T+044: [Communication intercepted]


[Word Bearer #1] We have interference in our sacred chants, are the Emperor Children playing that Black Sabbath classical music on our channels?

[Word Bearer #2] No, this is not any of our signa..

-Duke: I've come here to chew bubble and kick ass...

...and I'm all out of gum.



[The inner defences finally break, hordes of creatures flood the compound joining the onslaught]

The Angel Tears annihilate the hordes of creatures in a tight combat making holes in the mass with their rad weaponry and multiple rays, chem-flame and bolt pistols.

-Duke: Guess again, freak show. I'm coming back to town, and the last thing that's gonna go through your mind before you die... is my size-13 boot!

- Lt. Bahamut: Mission command to Destroyer Operative. Is the main objective terminated?

-Duke: That Bile guy has run with the other pinky princesses in orbit. At least his friends rest in pieces.


-Lt. Comm. Lazarus: That's enough Duke. Rendevouz with your squad and prepare the rad-bombs. Everyone in this frequency, evacuate the compound. When close-quarter esterilization is complete, we're nuking this sector from orbit.

I think it will be difficult to replicate this mess on Earth. Blod Omen, search and destroy protocol, we should locate that Emperor Children ship and assure that there are no samples of the different experimental viruses.


Sixth and last month. The army is finally complete. I was playing safe because I knew it would be difficult to end the challenge with a meeting, several work trips and a moving.

No more extras. Heck, I added a ton of extras in the past months.

In the end, speed painting these guys didn't mean to reduce the overall quality.

They're the special units but lacks some of the small leather details which makes them easier to paint.

And I ended achieving the freehands I had in mind when I started designing the squad. So objective accomplished. The Angel Tears/veteran assault squad combo results were pretty fun to paint and the results are pretty good for what I thought that would be a dissapointing month.

Now for a recap and some mumbling about the possible future OWAC project.

Adrián’s out.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Blood Angels support vehicles help in The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - OWAC VI's May wildcard update

Wild Card Month

T+038: The Blood Omen surface auspex start following the column and scouting the road ahead.

-Blood Omen to Strike Force Alpha, we have spotted your markings. You're about to reach a detour. 
We... we're detecting changes in the vegetation. The endless cornfields seems to end after all. Also there are Legiones Astartes comm signals. Not able to decipher them for now.

T+039: the detour ends abruptly in a compound. Finally the traitor base is spotted.

-Blood Spear here, sir. I am no farming expertise, but ferrocrete fortifications may seem a bit off in a farm. [Gun sounds]
Incoming fire!

-Lt. Commander Lazarus: Strike Force Alpha, ready for the assault in designated sector B1. Blood Spear, you have permission to return fire!

T+040: The tactical squads finally opens the line at sector B1 with the aid of additional rhino transports. The armoured column is capable of trespassing the killing fields.

T+040: However, something strange start to occur at sectors B1 to B3 of the outer defences of the compound.

-Lt. Bahamut: We're in. Something is moving from the fields. Imperial space marines to me! Expect an ambush from the first defence line!
-Sgt. Piero: Sir, they're not Astartes according to the auspex.
-Pvt. Morris: Tomatoes! Emperor praise, effing tomatoes!

-Lt. Comm. Bahamut: Sending reinforcements, resist in the breach.

T+041: The assault squads support the spearhead breaching in sectors B1-B2.

-Lexicanun Trent: These damn creations must be the last variant. They were just dormant. Someone must be awakening them!

-Chaplain Giteau: We're breaching the inner line at sector A! Need support right now.

HAHAHA You have no power here now! I've corrupted the Dark Cross of Berziers! I command the legions of chaos!

-Chaplaik Giteau: WHO THE HECK ARE YOU!? Did I even know you?! What are you talking about? I BET THAT NAME WASN'T EVEN MENTIONED IN THE STORY SO FAR! You made up that nonsense, it sound like the bullshit that brother Trent watch!
-Pvt. Morris: Padre! We cannot hold the breach! We should return to the outer line!

May already done and I'm happy with the armoured company so far. I mixed a bit of RT and 2nd edition colours and details with the original Space Marine markings.

I am very proud of the small texts because I made them in the first try and superfast. No more discovering that the phrase is deviated and needs to be repainted.

Yep, I was listening to Judas Priest while painting.

The classic bunkers and trenches were also fun to paint but I may add little change after the OWAC.
I had no time to experiment with weathering and markings in the fortifications and I will probably add a little bit later.

Finally, the extras!

Oh boy, the RT and stargrave encounters will be a little bit weird with the khorne sheeps and now the killer tomatoes.

Classic squigs as the sauce of this update.

The demons of chaos, love the old plague bearers. May increase the unit in the future for a chaos warband? Who knows.

And the space marines finally confronted the traitor marines.

Sadly, I am completely sure that not gonna collect the RT traitors because they're off my possibilities. But wanted to paint a kill team and my other (modern) HH force using bits of the oldhammer schemes. Specially with the decadent Emperor Children.

The Word Bearer sorceror/librarian is completely converted except the backpack. Because I lost it. Rest with some of my Harboth's half painted shields.

I may have not said anything and pass it like the unfinished backpacks of McVey's 2nd ed. marines.

Last month incoming. The two demi squads of heavy firepower contribute to the final assault on the compound.


Adrián’s out.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Blood Angels Command Squad in even more Night of the Living Dead - OWAC VI April's leader Month

Leader Month

T+027: The command squad redeploys to the farmhouse where the chief officer kidnapped in Monroeville lives in search of any possible evidence of what do the enemy legionnaries are up to.
A somewhat uncanny place, but in all, a normal house surrounded by normal crops. Or aren’t they?.

Lt. Commander Lazarus establishes his field command in the first floor once it is safe. Lieuteant Bahamut and Lexicanum Trent investigate the basement while field medic dr. Copper jump to the roof to spot any funny activity nearby.

-Lt. Bahamut: Sir, you have to see this.
-Lt. Commander Lazarus: What is that? Have you found something?
-Lt. Bahamut: This place is a mesh, but there is a stash of files, possible evidences… the man, I mean, officer Tempeny… is a major weirdo.
-Lexicanum Trent: But see, this plan over here. This sounds familiar. He may have been up to something in the end.
-Lt. Bahamut: Look at the charts, I cannot dismiss that the warmaster is using xenos technology but I do not think that he has a flotilla of disk-shaped spaceships. Much less that he and his xenos friend may have any plan to do with his holy rectum. Tempeny is deranged and this conspiracy crap is of no use.

-Lexicanum Trent: But see, here are some notes of the current events. At least he is obviouslyright, at this time...
...According to this, an apothecary of the Emperor Childrens called Fabius Bile was experimenting with a several viruses mixed with the evil sorcery that the Word Bearers were conducting.
-Lt. Bahamut: Maybe he made a point but, here there are tons of bullshit. How can we be sure?
-Lexicanum Trent: The last note before the zombie apocalypse and the kidnapping is something about a stash of a chemical supplies of something called “Trioxin”. He may have several barrels hidden here, in the basement. Let see if it is true.
-Lt. Comm. Lazarus: Good, search for that compound if we…



T+028: Field medic Cooper attend the wounded retreating to the farmhouse while cutting down some undeads.

At the same time, squad Ismail has reached the central park of Monroevile, making contact with the cultists.
-Sgt. Piero: We’re under heavy fire, watch out there but do not wait to much behind cover. The hordes of undead will be here in minutes.
-Biker #1: We will give support fire from those benches there. Marshall Westwood will lead us. He’s a legendary gunman.
...Oh no, Westwood is dead. We’re done, man.

-Chaplain Giteau: DO NOT FALTER, IN THE EMPEROR'S NAME! Even the more humble men are capable of great deeds if he's strong in mind and determined to the imperial cause and...
Mr. biker...guy... oh...Well, maybe some of us are more predestined to higher deeds than others… IMPERIAL SPACE MARINES, KILL THEM ALL.


Brother Lewis and brother Morris return fire to the cultist heavy weapons.
-Pvt. Lewis: Watch out Morris, machine gun at eleven, behind the red car.
-Pvt. Morris: Lewis, in the Emperor’s name, be more specific. Which red car from all, there are like two types of cars in this entire star system. They'll look the same!

T+029: Lt. Bahamut finds the trioxin stash and take several samples for dr. Copper. However, they find that the trioxin was already inoculated into living samples. And one of them has scaped the security pods…
-Lt. Bahamut: Agh, they’re already in. This creature is… is like it’s made of tar. My sword cuts it but his body is not destroyed.
-Lx. Trent: It is probably the creature scaped from one of the trioxin pod. maybe if we did like in that  holomovie…
-Lt. Comm. Lazarus: Lexicanum Trent, in the name of the holy throne of Terra. Why do you think that the primarch reintroduced the librarium? Burn that thing down!

T+030: The cultists are conducting a ritual in the church of Monroevile, sacrificing several human offerings including officer Tempeny. Whatever they’re up to, they must be stopped.

[the deep voice of the deacon start sounding louder and louder in the night while there is a funny looking storm approaching in the horizon]

-Chaplain Giteau: Enough with this foolinesh. All of this starts to feel like on of the horrible holomovies of brother Trent.
Oh boy, the officer does not look good with that knife in his chest.
-Pvt. Morris: Sir, Tempeny looks pretty awful with that knife in his chest. Do we call the apothecary?
-ChaplainGiteau: Nah, too late. At least we disrupted whatever these freaks were doing here. Squad, we’re leaving to the farmland, rendevouz with mission command.

T+031: The command squad defend the farmhouse against the zombie horde. Mowing down dozens of undeads.

The plans of the Emperor Children and Word Bearers have been finally exposed. After killing the horde, Lt. Commander Lazarus prepare his entire force for the final assault against the enemy compound when the Blood Omen locate the facility.
April's done at last. For this month I painted all the heroes with one goal in mind: make a command worthy of Brian Ansell.
His RT marines has been an inspiration and wanted to make something that also pops up and feels different to current 40k markings.

The specialist colours were limited to the upper part. Except for the Chaplain, who also diplay a quarter colour scheme with some bony armour areas because reasons.


And a blood drop.

It was pretty fun to paint. Another challenge was the freehand in the librarian banner. 

I would have wanted to give an extra freehand to the lieutenant commander back banner and probably to the lieutenant, but sadly not enough time for that.

I took some inspiration from the 2nd Ed. 40k box art and made severa flames to te lieutenant armour.

Lastly, a bunch of extras. You cannot make all the weird B-movie theme and many hints toward George Romero series without the farmhouse. A modular building with both porchs, and probably an interior in the future.

I also included one of the most famous encounters from the diverging universe from Dan O'Bannon, tarman!

The Word Bearers have been spreading his evilness and trained some freaks in the arts of the sorcery and wrongdoing. Here are some cultists and the cult sorcerer/leader.

Next month, the wild card and finally the blood angels will assault the enemy base.

Until then.

Adrián’s out.