
Thursday, June 1, 2023

Blood Angels support vehicles help in The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes - OWAC VI's May wildcard update

Wild Card Month

T+038: The Blood Omen surface auspex start following the column and scouting the road ahead.

-Blood Omen to Strike Force Alpha, we have spotted your markings. You're about to reach a detour. 
We... we're detecting changes in the vegetation. The endless cornfields seems to end after all. Also there are Legiones Astartes comm signals. Not able to decipher them for now.

T+039: the detour ends abruptly in a compound. Finally the traitor base is spotted.

-Blood Spear here, sir. I am no farming expertise, but ferrocrete fortifications may seem a bit off in a farm. [Gun sounds]
Incoming fire!

-Lt. Commander Lazarus: Strike Force Alpha, ready for the assault in designated sector B1. Blood Spear, you have permission to return fire!

T+040: The tactical squads finally opens the line at sector B1 with the aid of additional rhino transports. The armoured column is capable of trespassing the killing fields.

T+040: However, something strange start to occur at sectors B1 to B3 of the outer defences of the compound.

-Lt. Bahamut: We're in. Something is moving from the fields. Imperial space marines to me! Expect an ambush from the first defence line!
-Sgt. Piero: Sir, they're not Astartes according to the auspex.
-Pvt. Morris: Tomatoes! Emperor praise, effing tomatoes!

-Lt. Comm. Bahamut: Sending reinforcements, resist in the breach.

T+041: The assault squads support the spearhead breaching in sectors B1-B2.

-Lexicanun Trent: These damn creations must be the last variant. They were just dormant. Someone must be awakening them!

-Chaplain Giteau: We're breaching the inner line at sector A! Need support right now.

HAHAHA You have no power here now! I've corrupted the Dark Cross of Berziers! I command the legions of chaos!

-Chaplaik Giteau: WHO THE HECK ARE YOU!? Did I even know you?! What are you talking about? I BET THAT NAME WASN'T EVEN MENTIONED IN THE STORY SO FAR! You made up that nonsense, it sound like the bullshit that brother Trent watch!
-Pvt. Morris: Padre! We cannot hold the breach! We should return to the outer line!

May already done and I'm happy with the armoured company so far. I mixed a bit of RT and 2nd edition colours and details with the original Space Marine markings.

I am very proud of the small texts because I made them in the first try and superfast. No more discovering that the phrase is deviated and needs to be repainted.

Yep, I was listening to Judas Priest while painting.

The classic bunkers and trenches were also fun to paint but I may add little change after the OWAC.
I had no time to experiment with weathering and markings in the fortifications and I will probably add a little bit later.

Finally, the extras!

Oh boy, the RT and stargrave encounters will be a little bit weird with the khorne sheeps and now the killer tomatoes.

Classic squigs as the sauce of this update.

The demons of chaos, love the old plague bearers. May increase the unit in the future for a chaos warband? Who knows.

And the space marines finally confronted the traitor marines.

Sadly, I am completely sure that not gonna collect the RT traitors because they're off my possibilities. But wanted to paint a kill team and my other (modern) HH force using bits of the oldhammer schemes. Specially with the decadent Emperor Children.

The Word Bearer sorceror/librarian is completely converted except the backpack. Because I lost it. Rest with some of my Harboth's half painted shields.

I may have not said anything and pass it like the unfinished backpacks of McVey's 2nd ed. marines.

Last month incoming. The two demi squads of heavy firepower contribute to the final assault on the compound.


Adrián’s out.

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