-Death is coming for ya!
It has been +16 years in the hobby since I had my first eldar miniature, a single 2nd-3rd edition farseer with singing spear and a guardian squad. But it took little time to purchase a blister of Dark Reapers and the Reaper Phoneix lord itself, Maugan Ra.I was fascinated by this miniature since the begining with the classic illustration coming from the 2nd Ed. codex.
At some point my painting skills started to get better and I enjoyed the modelling and painting part of the hobby more than the actual competitive battle play of my hobby group. So the obvious step was to try my first painting competition.
The selected miniature for my trial of fire could not be other than Maugan Ra himself, accompanied by a squad of dark reapers.
I won the first prize in squad category. I remember it was pretty close by other painters, a squad of iron warriors iirc.
[Death doesn't walk alone]
Sixteen years have passed and today I approach my old Maugan Ra and his pals. My next year Old World Army Challenge will be 2nd edition Eldars. In this challenge I want to complete several of my old secret projects as well as painting several of the oldhammer units of my eldar collection.
Maugan Ra will be again ready to battle, it couldn't be in any other way. I have improved since I first painted them and it is the perfect opportunity to update its paintjob. But before I strip the paint of this old pal I would want to give him and his friends some sort of commemoration as one of my oldest pieces and very first paint for a public.
And... with this little piece of my hobby story as a presentation, here we go with yet another miniature blog [that will be updated randomly].
This time, dedicated to the sci-fi projects and miniatures.
Happy Halloween y'all!
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