Rank & File Month #1
Sir, there is no signal in all the resistance channels,we're deploying near the planned contact point.
[The Stormbird lands in a fairly large parking area]
Sergeant Damocles: Wait... this is, this is a large mall??
-Lieutenant Bahamut: Err, supply area. The entire moon is mostly a supply area.
-Sgt. Damocles: We're looking for a resistance...armed...in a moon-sized mall?
Wait, we can see now the situation here. By the throne, I think that they did not need us here. Everything is on fire!
-Lt. Damocles: Did they started the rebelion?
-Sgt. Damocles: I doubt it sir, people are shooting each other.
-Lt. Damocles: The security forces are responding fire against militiamen?
-Sgt. Damocles: They are firing against armed civilian, against each other, against random properties, against... against us? *firing sound* RETURN FIRE TO THOSE IDIOTS!
*bolter fire*
Sir, we're proceeding to the meeting, landing zone clear.
-Lt. Damocles: *sigh* try to get some info. Maybe ask first, fire later.
Combat demi-squad with the second in command back banner.
Brother Froth crush the enemies in the parking area looking for signals from the loyalist militia or any resistance members.
Sadly, a trail of destruction of the madmen shooting each others is the only thing that they see. Doing their part into the surrounding chaos.
Sergeant Damocles and the other half of the squad reach a quarantine zone. Some sort of sanitary emergency has occured just before everything went nuts.
-Sgt. Damocles: Command, we've found no signals from the resistance. There was some kind of emergency and we're receiving the broadcast that was emiting before the safe area went down. We need instructions.
-Lt. Bahamut: Proceed to the administrative area right after the loading bay A47, the mall..supply directory must be there. If any authority or member of the resistance has tried to survive and coordinate the remaining forces we may reach them there.
-Lexicanum Trent: And try to not shooting them before we can interrogate any survivor... I have a feeling about what we will uncover in that building.
Hi everyone, first squad done! More to go.
Contrary to the pain of preparing the miniatures, the beakies were a pleasure to paint. Pretty easy and fast. I did had to "make" some details as they lack a bit, especially compared to the metal C100 marines.
The Anvil Industry (normal size) infantry pouches packs makes for perfect extra detailing and allowed me to paint some grenades and leathers in the plastic beakies that gives them a homogeneous look with the metal marines. Just for your information, the scale is fine contrary to maybe post 2nd ed marines.
The absence of heavy or special weapons helped to streamline the process. But I felt that one plasma gun here and its glowing effect would have been perfect.
Smsh, I should have made them veteran marines, because they're the cool guys that have special weapons in the HH.
I couldn't resist to make some markings too. As I said, I followed mostly RT markings except some additions like the black shoulder armour for sergeants and the black parts of the backpack, similar to the 2nd ed Epic art.
I just love some of those latter armour variations and markings, and they combined perfectly with the orangeish red of RT marines.
Adrián’s out.
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