
Sunday, January 8, 2023

New Year and an update to this blog

 Long time, no see. 

Working on the Old World Army Challenge has shifted all my efforts onto an oldhammer dwarf army during a large portion of 2022. 

However, from time to time some miniatures skip the queue. The procrastination on the main army project ends with more miniatures, not less, at the end of each month. 

I wanted to increase the number of sci fi adventurers for stargrave and rogue trader. A pair of runners/expendable guys from the engineering and docking crews. 

These comes again from the many options of the Northstar figures Mercenary box. The type of suits can be painted as medium body armour or spacesuits, and I think that they fit the expendable guys from my mercenary crew, rather than painted like expensive military or body armour... but armed with a pistol and an almost useless knife. 


So I followed the engineering suit approach that I used with dr. Monkey and the two technicians are in working fatigues. 


For the other two guys they will be heavily armoured mercenaries or security enforcers. Dark armour, dark cammo, somewhat evil or imposing looking crimson lenses. 

They are also based in The Expanse martian light armoured marines from their navy.

The next objective is to increase the soldier guys up to 6 MCRN soldiers, one of them with close quarter equipment like a shotgun, another one with a machine gun.

Adrián's out!

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