Wrap-up post!
Another OWAC, another troop removed from the pile of shame.
It was a fun project. From painting to create the scenes and write some stories accompanying the updates. It was less stressful than the orc and goblins except for some odd months. However, this time having a job a constrained schedule felt a lot in the planned "extras". Maybe in a future coming back to Iyanden I can add the terrain from the Tyranid invasion or some scattered details from the craftwold gardens.
Painting yellow may seems a bit tedious sometimes but the experience of years collecting eldars and the mix of models I selected made the task a much easier.
I enjoyed the pirates a lot with the mixture of armour colors, one of my favourite units of this challenge. Also I can finally claim my small achievement, completed the unit of eldar exodites after so long. Some of the eldar scouts and wood elf wardancers were purchased in blisters, and the cold ones were the ones from their very first release!
The Doom of the Eldar has not been my personal doom, I finished another OWAC! It has been so much pleasure to paint it as to show them to you all. Hope I get my hand in some units and can continue this project in a future OWAC.
Oh, remember the last year when I lost a goblin for the last set of pictures and found it after the recap post? I have made the same mistake with my wraithlord bright lance. I had it in my hand the other day!!
1x Grand Farseer (general) Ylshor - 170
1x Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra - 179
1x Dark Reaper Exarch - 90
3x Dark Reapers - 201
1x Fire Dragon Exarch - 75
4x Fire Dragons - 112
1x Howling Banshee Exarch - 69
7x Howling Banshees - 189
1x Dire Avenger Exarch - 56
9x Dire Avengers - 198
10x Guardians - 110
1x Grav Platform with plasma cannon - 55
1x Veteran Pirate captain - 31
9x Eldar pirates - 135
Fast Attack
1x Exiled veteran - 50
4x Exiled Knights - 152
Heavy Support
1x Eldar Wraithlord with its (missing) laser cannon - 190
58 miniatures and a grand total of 2062 points of eldars.
Thinking about my next project, I will probably return to fantasy and my (other) main army, the mighty dwarfs!
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