
Friday, April 9, 2021

An Undying Lord and her kinghts - Owac month #2

Rank and File month #2 

The Shrine of the Thousand Blades was a perfect bastion to resist the tide. The Dire Avengers have been doing so for almost a day since the end of the battle in the forests. Their short range weaponry and unmatched skills in close quarter combat will make suffer the tyranids if they wanted to take their position. 
However, Taeroth knew that with the guardians falling back and no heavy weapon support, soon or later the swam would unleash one of their monstrosities.

And so they did.

The giant biomorph was a true titan. While the lesser creatures were cut whenever they tried to approach the temple, the shuriken munition did nothing against its mighty carapace.
The doom was before them, but they will resist and die.

[A laser canon struck the beast in the front and stunned it in the place, surrounded by fellow avengers died with its charge]

-I see my opponent through the veil of death, and it will taste the cold of the eternal dream.

The dead exarch Kelrye stopped the confused blows of the giant claws of the creature and hit with all the force its dreadnought confers her. The creature fell to the ground.
One final attempt to get up and continue with its rampage. But Kelrye punched the head, sticking her fist and ripping the head off.

-We will strike in the heart of the swarm and tear it apart.

Following their undiying mistress, the dire avengers countercharged the tide, disbanding the charge.


Second moth finished. Wosh, February was a pain, those fewer days pay a heavy toll, especially when there are other deadlines mixed. In the end, I tried my best to paint something extra instead of the 10 miniatures. Maybe, an eleventh one. That will make the deal.

9x Dire Avengers - 198 points

1x Exarch - 56 points

For this squad, I made a little turquoise blue instead of the usual blue. I didn't want too much turquoise/green because I want to paint a unit or two of Swooping Hawks at some point in the future and I love the schemes well differentiated.

Taeroth, as well as other exarch of the army (wait and see...) had his scheme inverted with the contrast colours of the unit. That's makes some variation in the colours and the leader stands out a little bit.

The sword was painted in blues simply because I paint power swords in red, normal in blueish grays and psychic swords in purple. And then the Dire Avengers come with a Dire Sword, and the simple plan goes to rubbish. At least I am pleased with the result, it pops a little despite all the blues.

1x Eldar Dreadnought - 190 points

Lastly, Kelrye piloting the wraithlord. I painted her in the typical Iyanden yellow, but then, it was like a bit flat... I looked at the painted wraithlord of 2nd ed codex and came with the idea of runes in the body.
Also, a small yellow bits in her trophy, I tried to put some colour in the Kraken's red carapace like in the Advance Space Crusade alternative box art that Steve Beales and Lissane discovered/suggested for me. Thanks!

Ah, the moment you were really waiting for, not these painted miniature preambles: February ends with a total of 405 gemstones painted. Why on earth there are more gemstones in the backpack and the weapon of the wraithlord?!? We will not falther, there will be more gems to come!


Adrian's out.

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