Here we are, with the final preparation for the next edition of the Old World Army Challenge, bit of an oldhammer 40k project.
I wanted some scenes and battle pictures for each month entry so I added living terrain to the scenes. What is more fitting to an Iyanden defence force than adding some pesky tyranids desecrating their homeworld-spaceship.
Also, these tyranids are the starting point of a small warband for Kill Team.
I couldn't get those sexy oldhammer reptilian or 2nd edition gaunts, as I found years ago this bunch for a good prize and were wating in the desk to be rescued.
I couldn't get those sexy oldhammer reptilian or 2nd edition gaunts, as I found years ago this bunch for a good prize and were wating in the desk to be rescued.
However, one thing I had clear is that I wanted an old school style for the not-so-oldhammer Tyranids.
Back in the day there were only the red/crimson tyranid and blue/purple tyranid. And a mix of those however you liked it. Some people from the fantastic oldhammer community showed me some alternative designs I will use for the leaders and maybe the warriors. But there weren't hive fleet schemes as we know now.
I selected the 3rd ed. and modern Tyranid Kraken hive fleet design but added the old school details to the mix. High contrast in the weapon biomorphs, with blueish claws in the mix. Some pinkish and redish tones in the flesh. I broke the bland bone also with the softer, pink "hands" or bases of the CQC biomorphs.
I have not painted any of the termagaunts yet, but I will use the old green or black weapons to continue adding more colours to hive fleet.
I love to paint the genestealers closer to the pink flesh of the old Space Hulk / Space Marine. This is the test genestealer for the moment.
So far, only a bunch of hormagaunts to add to the background and environment of the scenes for the eldar. I will paint more in the future, but for now, I think they will add some detail to the scenes without being clogged or drag attention from the eldar.
Hope they survive the assault!
See you all in the next post.
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