
Thursday, December 10, 2020

The darkest hour of Iyanden is approaching… the foe is unavoidable at this point. The high command is planning the defence of the craftworld.

[The exarch rised the eyes from the holomap]

What will happen if the enemy tries to cut-off the main road to the webway portal. We must secure that path for the reinforcements if our allies come to our help...

[Seer Kelmon pointed to the map]

The easiest point to defend will be at the entrance to the halls of the House Delgari, in the Forest of Sorrows. There, farseer Ylshor will dispose his troops in layers. The fleet will assist us and force a tyranid landing far at the glades and the other side of the forest.

If the swarm can override the troops near the glades, the shrines and the ghost warriors will come to halt their advance and give us time to regroup near the city.

The battle will be difficult, but our troops are prepared. They shall not falther, no matter how numberless their foes are. We will resist.

Hi again.

This is my second OWAC and I am glad to participate again in this exciting challenge. A bit of a change from last year orc horde, I will try something different in this edition.

First of all, I will include a short story behind the different units and advance both in the paiting and a little piece of lore with each round.

The second and more importantly, bright colours for everyone! From the grim and dark tones of my orc army to bright and saturated colours of Iyanden.

Now, the upcoming list:

Holding the line, a unit of 10x Guardian defenders with lasguns (110 points) and a Plasma gun in a grav platform (59 points).

A fierce unit of 9x Dire Avengers (198 points) and an Exarch with power sword (56 points)

When the enemy is up and close, they will be met by a unit of 7x Howling Banshees (189 points) and their Exarch (69 points).

If any bug is left, they will be roasted by 4x Fire Dragons (112 points) and an Exarch with the Firepike (75 points).

Fear not their behemoths, the heroine Kelrye piloting a mighty eldar dreadnought (190 points) is watching.

A bit of spoilers ahead, the call for help does reach to their allies, and a unit of 9x pirates (135 points) commanded by the veteran captain Avele Swifteye (31 point) will show up.

For the wildcard month, the wildest allies emerge from the webway portal to help the defenders: a unit of 4x Exiled Dragon knights (152 points) commanded by Exiled veteran lord Calsaar Firebreath (50 points).

The army is commanded by farseer Ylshor (170 points)

But he’s not alone, because the Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra (179 points) himself and his retinue of 3x Dark Reapers (268 points) and an Exarch (90 points) came to the rescue in the direst moments of the battle.

The army has a total of 2074 points, which seems huge but in the end they are 59 miniatures. Less than last year orc army which was barely 1000 points. Will see if it is too much to handle or I can get everything in time!

Last, but not least, my offering to our beloved overlord

The poor Eoan Fireheart who is about to be nomed...

Adrian’s out.