Leader month
The last defence lines between the swarm and the webway portals and the entrance to the House of Delgari was assaulted by the vanguard organisms. Endless teeth and claws from the lesser gaunts to the first of the many giant monstrosities to be unleashed against them.
The battered dire exarch came to the farseer one more time.
- Lord Ylshor, the remaining guardians and dire avengers are keeping the tyranids at bay, but the corsairs have had to withdraw... they're gathering with Yriel and the wraithguard, they're going for the queen.
Your trap is set, but I think this turn of the events and the lack of reinforcements will cost our lives to annihilite their forces here. This is our last stand.
Ylshor focused its vision to the giant monsters that came after the first waves.
- I've seen this path many times and we have delayed them to this precise moment. Do not hesitate, my friend. We may fall this day... but death. Today the Death battles at our side.
One of the smaller webway portals activated behind them and five figures entered the battlefield. A swift and silent movement, a single shuriken cannon opened fire and a giant tyranid monster just melted before their eyes.
Chains of missiles followed and the first wave of biomorphs started to explode.
The giant bone armoured warrior stood silent after the carnage.
The Dark Reaper exarch next to him spoke.
-We're the heralds of doom. Today the hive mind will know the meaning of fear.
The last battle for the House Delgari began.
Seventeen years after painting the phoenix lord, he's here for an update. I've skipped a little bit the rules, if our beloved overlord allow it, but I needed to give him a proper retinue again. This time, with even older dark reapers that the first time.3x Dark Reapers - 201 points
A slightly blueish black and saturated dark pink. Ready to kill their enemies at range.
Following my plan with all the exarchs, I inverted the colour scheme. Armed with the coolest, yet weirdest option for a long range specialist temple.
Ylshor, Great Farseer - 170 points
Maugan Ra, the Harverster of Souls - 179 points
I changed a little bit his colours to match the first scheme I used with it. The bone is also slightly older to stand out from my other dark reaper models, including the new (oldhammer) ones from this month.
This model is a beast and one of the reasons I started my eldar collection.
But the true protagonist of this month shall be
Ylshor, Great Farseer - 170 points
This little farseer is one of the oldest and most simple of all the farseer range across the ages, yet, I enjoyed painting it a lot and it has become one of my favourite models of the entire collection.
I was right making him, and not the pheonix lord himself, the commander.
The last month came with an additional 209 gemstones. That's a grand finale thanks to the million small gems in the legs of the dark reapers.And thanks that i didn't paint the gems in my (not so) small procrastination project that I used in the background.
Maybe I need a larger backdrop image for this one.
See you in the recap post.
Adrian's out.